An intern at a news company and inspiring video journalist, needs to find an appealing subject for his next interview. While traveling around the city a bit he runs into a young woman who at first glance makes all these wrong assumptions about him.
Leaving the situation annoyed and confused, he is then overcome with new inspiration. He reaches out to a few friends who’ve more than likely gone through these types of stereotypical situations: where people who don’t stop and take the time to know a person automatically assume ideas on first sight that are wrong about that person. But what starts out as just an interview of peoples’ personalities, turns to somewhat of a reality show of unwanted drama, change of views, and contradiction.
- Afini- 23 y/o Afr. Am. female. Well-rounded, family type, tolerant, opened minded artist.
Problem: usually gets mistaken for an Afrocentric militant type.
-James-26 y/o Afr. Am. male. Has others welfare at heart, wants to keep others from making mistakes
Problem: Meddlesome, makes people defensive while trying to give advice.
-Kimberly- 21 y/o Caucasian female. Down to Earth attitude, cultured, kind, highly opinionated
Problem: Comes off as a doormat, too nice
- Jeremiah-21 y/o Afr. Am. male. Introspective, introverted.
Problem: Seen as stuck up and anti-social
Scene 1
Feeling late on the assignment for his internship, Derek looks around frantically for someone to interview for his next story.
He runs into a young woman who seems to be in a hurry herself. He repeatedly calls to her while running to catch up to her.
The woman sits down on a bench giving him enough time to catch up with her. Out of breath and slurring his words, the woman looks at him (his dreadlocks covering his face) as he tries ask his question. The woman looking at his appearance assumes he is a begger looks at him with a disgusted look and tells him she doesn't have any money and to get a job as she she swiftly walks away with her purse at her side.
Scene 2
Feeling confused about the days situation he calls a friend to tell her about what happened. They talk for a few minutes and Derek is overcome with new inspiration. He knows everyone has been misjudged on there first interpretations at least once. Seeing this as good material for his story, he calls up a few friends to get there story on similarsituations.
Scene 3
The friends meet in the cafeteria of the school that they all attend and, as he records each of them individually, discusses their similar situation.
Scene 4
Three out of the four friends being interviewed begin to think about their own events and reflecting on them on how it effects their everyday life. While one takes the opposite road, feeling quiet comfortable with the way they feeling they should change for no one.
Scene 5
Derek records his own thoughts giving his own personal views on his friends. The tape is found and heard by the cast. This leads to the cast ranting their responses on what the they've come to think about Derek ending with the last person's comments as they storm off out of view from the camera.
I think his wardrobe during the chase scene is really important. I he's dressed for work with a briefcase I doubt the woman would flee from him. The chase is definitely the most interesting and solid portion of this story.