Friday, August 27, 2010

Script for First Video

Place One: Sleaze and Slime

- During the lunch hour (character) sits at table as he tries to concentrate while fidgeting with his mp3. After a minute of the continued noises from the crowd (character) becomes agitated and leaves the cafeteria.

Place Two: School Entrance

- Now sitting on the steps (character) thinks to self (Well….at least this area is a lot quieter. But still feeling irritated by the wide-open space (character) begins to pace back and forth a few times. Sitting back down on the steps, this time pushing self into the corner, (character) still feels uncomfortable.

Place Three: (Character’s) Dorm

After searching for a comfortable area he finds a spot in his room totally away from the crowd Feeling at peace he sighs with relief and turns the volume up on his mp3

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


The feeling of claustrophobia, or, the feeling of fear a person receives when placed in a small or cramped area, is an anxiety that haunts the minds of many through out the world. And we've all, at least a few times, searched for the definition or the cause of such a feeling. But what about the opposite of that fear. What would be the word for the preference of closed in spaces instead of wide areas? What about claustrophilia-- the feeling of comfort in enclosed areas. Personally. I think the word itself can use revising, because calling it a -philia makes it sound more like a sick condition more then a preference, but I may be over analyzing. But for some reason I would rather be in a small bedroom or bathroom with the radio on then in the living-room with the tv, radio, or other appliances around going on and off. I feel a burst of energy and creativity when I have no outside interruptions. So for the video I was thinking of showing a number of wide spaced areas while walking back and forth fidgeting for the first few minutes then at the end find one enclosed area begin listening to Ipod and relaxing.