David H. Clemions, a professional in metal smithing with pieces dealing with personal mythologies, working around racial identities, such as his “Remembrance Rosary,” influenced by the many times he can remember being asked “Are you black?” Some of his inspirations include: Adrian Piper, Kerry James Marshall, Kara Walker, Michael Ray Charles, and Fred Wilson. Pieces like “Band Aid Advertisements,” draws from the use role reversal between races in which instead of using the tradition skin tone” colored band-aids, these are switched with browner complexions. This is also seen in the “Colt 45” advertisement of the 60s, substituting a white male with Billy Dee Williams, a black male, to attract a new demographic of audience. He also took shots at today’s imagery portrayed in hip-hop comparing it to the racist “darkie” iconism in advertisements of the 1950s on down.
He also dealt with deeper subjects, for example comparing the lynchings of African-American males with the perception of male sexuality in America with “Trees We Connect;” showing Henry VIII in the center, and in the background, a portrait of a lynching and castration, and below it, a Diesel Ad. He also shows his skills in book making and crafting jewelry presenting neck wear and oriental pieces.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Pre-Production Package

Number of Days Shooting
November 19 (12pm)-November 20 (6pm)

1. Script (Re-Done)
Scene 1: The Work Place
Fade into a bust shot of Derek as he walks to the door
Back shot of Derek as he opens the door and enters the room to greet his colleagues
Shot of the colleagues at work on computers. Rochelle gets up from her seat and scolds Derek for being late.
Bust shot of Rochelle
Rochelle: You’ve had an entire month to get this done.
Switch to bust shot of Derek
What the hell have you been doin’?
Bust shot Renee` as she lets out her frustration
Renee`: We’re over here bustin’ our asses and you’re out there doin’ God knows what.
Split shot of Rochelle and Derek
Rochelle: Look at the time Derek!
Derek: Look just give me until 6’oclock and I’ll have it done before Ms. Watkins shows up
T.: (off screen) HA!
Switch to bust shot of Derek
Derek: (thinking) Oh shit. Here we go.
Bust shot of Renee` at desk
Renee`: You better. ‘Cause I’m not gettin’ fired cause of you.
Rear shot of T., bust shot of Derek, and medium shot of Rochelle as camera fades to black.
Scene 2:The Challenge
Full body shot of Derek as he contemplates his next move knowing he only has a little time left.
Close up of Derek as he looks to see someone he recognizes. This person turns out to be a B-Rated celebrity by the name of Jenny Hartman.
Derek: Is that Jenny Hartman
Medium shot of Jenny Hartman as she walks towards the steps leading to Derek’s occupation.
Full body shot of Mrs. Hartman walking with Derek in the background.
Close Up of Derek’s face as he reflects on the situation from earlier.
Derek: I’ll have it done by 6.
Rochelle: You’ve had a month.
Renee`: I’m not getting’ fired ‘cause of you
T.: …HA!
Derek: Hey! Mrs. Hartman.
Full body shot of Derek and Medium Shoot of Mrs. Hartman as he runs to catch up with Mrs. Hartman walking up the steps.
Scene 3: The Chase
Switch to shot of Mrs. Hartman walking towards the door
Switch to Derek running towards the steps
Derek: Mrs. Hartman wait up!
Full Body Shot of Mrs. Hartman walking with Derek in background running.
Continue Full Body Shot of Mrs. Hartman walking down steps with Derek close behind.
Close Up of Mrs. Hartman’s hand dropping a slip of paper.
Close Up of slip of paper as it falls to the floor.
Derek kneels down to pick up the slip of paper.
Closed Up of note in hand.
Scene 4: Shot Down
“No interviews today…sorry sweet heart. Piss off =)
Later That Day
Back Shot of Derek’s head as he walks into the office, deserted with the light still on.
Shot of an empty room panning left as he views the room
Bust Shot of Derek as he sigha, turning to exit the door.
Zoom in of a letter not noticed by Derek.
Letter reads: “hey derek, tried to call ur phone but no answer. The assignment has been canceled due to scheduling. Ms. Watkins won’t be in for the next 3 days. So enjoy the time off. ‘Chelle
2. Break Down of Script
In this piece, I wanted to look into the subject of procrastination. While the main character does get his work in on time, it is always at the last minute, leaving his co-workers in panic and stress for their jobs.
Rochelle, one of the co-workers, plays the foil to Derek’s (main character) personality. She always wants to get things done on time or before they are due. She pushes Derek to get his recent assignment in before their boss shows up, which can cost them their jobs.
Renee` is a co-worker and good friend of Rochelle. Kind of a quiet person, but won’t hesitate to say what’s on her mind when she feels the time calls for it. She feels that she shouldn’t get fired over Derek’s mishaps.
T. (Tidwell) is a deadpan snarker. A mono-tone co-worker who always has something sarcastic and witty to say. Not much of a relationship with the maon character, but isn’t prepared to sacrifice his job for Derek’s mistakes.
Jennifer Hartman (working name) is a B-rated celebrity who sees herself in “A” status. She is shallow and flashy and never takes the time to stop for the main character to interview her; leading him on chase that ends with her blowing him off.
Ms. Watkins- Not seen on camera, but is mentioned by the co-workers as their boss; who appears to be very strict when it comes to her business.
a. Five actors will be needed for the entire film. For the first scene, five of the actors will be shown with three of them having major lines.
- Derek- Hard working when pressured but has a bad habit of procrastinating
- Rochelle- Very organized, likes to have things done on time, a huge foil to Derek’s personality.
- Renee`-Mostly a quiet person, but will say what’ on her mind when the time comes for it.
- T. - Deadpan snarker
b. Number of scenes and total length of performance
- Derek: 5
- Rochelle:2
- Renee`:1
- T: 1
- Mrs. Hartman:3
c. Number of Locations: 2
Mac Lab 3 (Scenes 1 and 2)
-used as the working area for where Derek and
co-workers are introduced
-also where Derek is given his assignment again that becomes the conflict of the film.
Art Center or Supply Store (Scenes 3 and 4)
-Introduces Mrs. Hartman, the subject of Derek’s challenge
-The out come of Derek’s challenge in the final scene.
d. None
e. Costumes include regular for all characters except Mrs. Hartman who will be dressed more casually.
f. Video Camera used by Derek
3. Location Scouting: Writing Lab 1
Sound Quality: No Echos
Available Lighting: Ceiling Lighting
Power: 8 Outlets
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
1. The title of this piece is still up in the air right now.
2. The main idea was to look at the habit of first interpretations in society and how people learned to cope with it.
3. Main source of the idea came from personal experience from myself and many others when we first meet someone, how we think they are going to turn out or vice versa
4. At first I wanted the audience to feel what the main character was feeling after his first in contour with the lady he runs into. As we got further into the movie, I then wanted it to be more of a comedy/drama as the moods change from the interviews to the retaliation tape (after the cast of friends finds out what the main character said about them)
5. A photo-journal intern is late on a his headline and has to find a subject quick. He runs towards a woman with his camera that he wants to interview. He meets the woman at a bus stop and tries to explain his situation. But before that can happen this woman thinks that he is someone like a begger or a mugger and tells him off. Feeling confused about the situation, he is then over come with inspiration. He calls a few friends and tells them of the situation. He then asked to interview them on similar experiences. After this is done, he records his feedback on his friends. They find the tape and feel insulted by the comments and make a retaliation tape with the final person telling him off and leaving the seen.
6. The theme begins with first interpretation and ends with contradiction.
2. The main idea was to look at the habit of first interpretations in society and how people learned to cope with it.
3. Main source of the idea came from personal experience from myself and many others when we first meet someone, how we think they are going to turn out or vice versa
4. At first I wanted the audience to feel what the main character was feeling after his first in contour with the lady he runs into. As we got further into the movie, I then wanted it to be more of a comedy/drama as the moods change from the interviews to the retaliation tape (after the cast of friends finds out what the main character said about them)
5. A photo-journal intern is late on a his headline and has to find a subject quick. He runs towards a woman with his camera that he wants to interview. He meets the woman at a bus stop and tries to explain his situation. But before that can happen this woman thinks that he is someone like a begger or a mugger and tells him off. Feeling confused about the situation, he is then over come with inspiration. He calls a few friends and tells them of the situation. He then asked to interview them on similar experiences. After this is done, he records his feedback on his friends. They find the tape and feel insulted by the comments and make a retaliation tape with the final person telling him off and leaving the seen.
6. The theme begins with first interpretation and ends with contradiction.
Monday, November 1, 2010
New Pitch
An intern at a news company and inspiring video journalist, needs to find an appealing subject for his next interview. While traveling around the city a bit he runs into a young woman who at first glance makes all these wrong assumptions about him.
Leaving the situation annoyed and confused, he is then overcome with new inspiration. He reaches out to a few friends who’ve more than likely gone through these types of stereotypical situations: where people who don’t stop and take the time to know a person automatically assume ideas on first sight that are wrong about that person. But what starts out as just an interview of peoples’ personalities, turns to somewhat of a reality show of unwanted drama, change of views, and contradiction.
- Afini- 23 y/o Afr. Am. female. Well-rounded, family type, tolerant, opened minded artist.
Problem: usually gets mistaken for an Afrocentric militant type.
-James-26 y/o Afr. Am. male. Has others welfare at heart, wants to keep others from making mistakes
Problem: Meddlesome, makes people defensive while trying to give advice.
-Kimberly- 21 y/o Caucasian female. Down to Earth attitude, cultured, kind, highly opinionated
Problem: Comes off as a doormat, too nice
- Jeremiah-21 y/o Afr. Am. male. Introspective, introverted.
Problem: Seen as stuck up and anti-social
Scene 1
Feeling late on the assignment for his internship, Derek looks around frantically for someone to interview for his next story.
He runs into a young woman who seems to be in a hurry herself. He repeatedly calls to her while running to catch up to her.
The woman sits down on a bench giving him enough time to catch up with her. Out of breath and slurring his words, the woman looks at him (his dreadlocks covering his face) as he tries ask his question. The woman looking at his appearance assumes he is a begger looks at him with a disgusted look and tells him she doesn't have any money and to get a job as she she swiftly walks away with her purse at her side.
Scene 2
Feeling confused about the days situation he calls a friend to tell her about what happened. They talk for a few minutes and Derek is overcome with new inspiration. He knows everyone has been misjudged on there first interpretations at least once. Seeing this as good material for his story, he calls up a few friends to get there story on similarsituations.
Scene 3
The friends meet in the cafeteria of the school that they all attend and, as he records each of them individually, discusses their similar situation.
Scene 4
Three out of the four friends being interviewed begin to think about their own events and reflecting on them on how it effects their everyday life. While one takes the opposite road, feeling quiet comfortable with the way they feeling they should change for no one.
Scene 5
Derek records his own thoughts giving his own personal views on his friends. The tape is found and heard by the cast. This leads to the cast ranting their responses on what the they've come to think about Derek ending with the last person's comments as they storm off out of view from the camera.
Leaving the situation annoyed and confused, he is then overcome with new inspiration. He reaches out to a few friends who’ve more than likely gone through these types of stereotypical situations: where people who don’t stop and take the time to know a person automatically assume ideas on first sight that are wrong about that person. But what starts out as just an interview of peoples’ personalities, turns to somewhat of a reality show of unwanted drama, change of views, and contradiction.
- Afini- 23 y/o Afr. Am. female. Well-rounded, family type, tolerant, opened minded artist.
Problem: usually gets mistaken for an Afrocentric militant type.
-James-26 y/o Afr. Am. male. Has others welfare at heart, wants to keep others from making mistakes
Problem: Meddlesome, makes people defensive while trying to give advice.
-Kimberly- 21 y/o Caucasian female. Down to Earth attitude, cultured, kind, highly opinionated
Problem: Comes off as a doormat, too nice
- Jeremiah-21 y/o Afr. Am. male. Introspective, introverted.
Problem: Seen as stuck up and anti-social
Scene 1
Feeling late on the assignment for his internship, Derek looks around frantically for someone to interview for his next story.
He runs into a young woman who seems to be in a hurry herself. He repeatedly calls to her while running to catch up to her.
The woman sits down on a bench giving him enough time to catch up with her. Out of breath and slurring his words, the woman looks at him (his dreadlocks covering his face) as he tries ask his question. The woman looking at his appearance assumes he is a begger looks at him with a disgusted look and tells him she doesn't have any money and to get a job as she she swiftly walks away with her purse at her side.
Scene 2
Feeling confused about the days situation he calls a friend to tell her about what happened. They talk for a few minutes and Derek is overcome with new inspiration. He knows everyone has been misjudged on there first interpretations at least once. Seeing this as good material for his story, he calls up a few friends to get there story on similarsituations.
Scene 3
The friends meet in the cafeteria of the school that they all attend and, as he records each of them individually, discusses their similar situation.
Scene 4
Three out of the four friends being interviewed begin to think about their own events and reflecting on them on how it effects their everyday life. While one takes the opposite road, feeling quiet comfortable with the way they feeling they should change for no one.
Scene 5
Derek records his own thoughts giving his own personal views on his friends. The tape is found and heard by the cast. This leads to the cast ranting their responses on what the they've come to think about Derek ending with the last person's comments as they storm off out of view from the camera.
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