Wednesday, August 25, 2010


The feeling of claustrophobia, or, the feeling of fear a person receives when placed in a small or cramped area, is an anxiety that haunts the minds of many through out the world. And we've all, at least a few times, searched for the definition or the cause of such a feeling. But what about the opposite of that fear. What would be the word for the preference of closed in spaces instead of wide areas? What about claustrophilia-- the feeling of comfort in enclosed areas. Personally. I think the word itself can use revising, because calling it a -philia makes it sound more like a sick condition more then a preference, but I may be over analyzing. But for some reason I would rather be in a small bedroom or bathroom with the radio on then in the living-room with the tv, radio, or other appliances around going on and off. I feel a burst of energy and creativity when I have no outside interruptions. So for the video I was thinking of showing a number of wide spaced areas while walking back and forth fidgeting for the first few minutes then at the end find one enclosed area begin listening to Ipod and relaxing.

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