Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Script for First Video
Place One: Sleaze and Slime
- During the lunch hour (character) sits at table as he tries to concentrate while fidgeting with his mp3. After a minute of the continued noises from the crowd (character) becomes agitated and leaves the cafeteria.
Place Two: School Entrance
- Now sitting on the steps (character) thinks to self (Well….at least this area is a lot quieter. But still feeling irritated by the wide-open space (character) begins to pace back and forth a few times. Sitting back down on the steps, this time pushing self into the corner, (character) still feels uncomfortable.
Place Three: (Character’s) Dorm
After searching for a comfortable area he finds a spot in his room totally away from the crowd Feeling at peace he sighs with relief and turns the volume up on his mp3